21 NOVEMBER 1840, Page 12


Tun Court historiographers, who did such ample justice to the Royal Bride-cake, are already hard at work on the Royal Cradle. This is taking time by the forelock. There will be ample oppor- tunity for giving the public a surfeit of the cradle; which being made of wood and taffeta, must be even more indigestible than the sake. We learn that " the talents and ingenuity of a distinguished French artiste" have been called into operation, to design this " most useful appendage of a nursery." We learn that " the body of the cot is in the shape of that elegant marine shell the nautilus : being a happy conception of the designer that the child of the Ocean Queen' should enjoy its first slumbers and be cradled in a cot, whose very form is emblematic of the main strength and glory of its r island home.'" The shell of a nautilus emblematic of strength ! Furthermore, " the whole is gilt and sur- mounted with the royal crown, and represents a tout ensemble at once classic and unique." Finally, to use the elegant phraseology of the writer from whom we have been quoting, " on Tuesday night the cot was sent home."