21 NOVEMBER 1840, page 12

' Phe Ra Havay Question.

IT might have been expeetcd that, as the railway system extended, and experience was gaincd in the menages s .unt of the engines and the regulation of the reads, the danger or......

The Royal Cradle.

Tun Court historiographers, who did such ample justice to the Royal Bride-cake, are already hard at work on the Royal Cradle. This is taking time by the forelock. There will be......

Parliamentary Abolition Of The Cathedral Service.

In the Egerton Papers, lately printed by the Camden Society, there is a document which we extract as confirmatory of our statement that the Cathedral Choirs were originally......

In What Consists '1 , 1w Difference Between M. Guizot And M.

THIERS? [mom A CORRESPONDENT.] IT is not perhaps a needless task to inquire into the difference between the political tendencies of the late French Ministry and the present, in......