21 NOVEMBER 1840, page 4

An Important Suit Between The Irish Society Of London And

the Bishop of Derry, which has been for some time pending, was brought to a conclusion in the Court of Common Pleas, Dublin, on Thursday scnnight. The cause of action was the......

Some Of Mr. M A Eaulay's Constituents Appear To Be...

watchful eye on the belligerent exhibitions of' tit it "junior Member." In the last number of the Edinburgh Weekly Ckiwilele, we find the following notice of Lucky Tom, in the......

The Poet Wordsworth And His Son Had A Narrow Escape

with their lives on Wednesday week. They were riding in a gig from Whitehaven Castle to their residence Rydal- mount, when in a narrow part of the road they met the mail - coach......

The Severe Storms At The End Of Last Week, And

on Tuesday, did a great deal of dainage both inland and at Sc:,, I he storm of Frilay appears to have been most violent in the North- eastern part of the coatory, where the wind......


Dr. Dickenson, the incumbent of St. Ann's, Dublin, and Chaplain to the Archbishop of Dublin, is to be the new Irish Bishop. lle owes this important preferment solely to his......


The election of a Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow took place on Monday. The candidates were the Duke of Wellington, the Marquis of Breadalbane, and Sir A. P. Cooper.......

At The Inquest On The Two Men Killed By The

collision near the Harrow station of the London and Birmingham Railway, the evidence proved that the blame rested principally with the driver of the second engine of the......


Tuesday's Gazette announces the appointment of the Right Ho- nourable James Alexander Stuart Mackenzie, to be Lord High Com- missioner in the United States of the Ionian Islands......