21 NOVEMBER 1840, page 18
Criminal Jurispitudence In Relation To Mental Organiz...
RESPONSIIIILI'VY. Pftrula est improbos eocreerep.ena, nisi ps o bos Okla s LETTER IV. TO Tnr. EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. SIR — That the views which in my previous letters I have......
" The lights are fair." By GEORGE HOGARTIT. " The Primrose, By the Same. " Look out upon the stars, love." By the Same. " The Violet." By the Same. In examining the songs which,......
Captain Marryat's °lila. Podrida.
THESE volumes, as the title implies, are collections of odds and ends, or " Miscellanies," as our forefathers would have called them; many of the productions having appeared......