21 NOVEMBER 1840, page 2

An Inquest Was Hell On Thursday On The Body Of

Mr. James Swann, aged fifty-seven, to Parliamentary agent and writer to the signet, Edin- burgh, who on Wednesday morning killed himself by jumping out of the second-floor......

It Is Remarked As A Curious "coincidence," That Not Three

minutes before the Queen and Prince Albert left Windsor Castle on Friday, for London, the royal standard, which was floating from the Round Tower, was rent completely in two by......

In The Bail Court Of The Queen's Bench, On Monday,

application was made for a writ of habeas corpus to bring up William Baines, who had been committed to Leicester Gaol for non-payment of Church-rates. The objections urged......

Zbe (court.

TITE Queen, Prince Albert, and the Royal Household, attended divine service on Sunday, in Buckingham Palace. Her Majesty drove in the Parks on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, in......

The „metropolis.

Mr. Harmer has resigned the Aldermauic gown. His intention was first announced in an address to the electors of the Ward of Farringdon- Without, published in his own newspaper......

The Provisional Regency Et' Spain Have Issued A Number Of

decrees tbr regulating the finances, and for ofeeting various changes in the official departments. One of the decrees commands, that trout the 1st of the present month all the......