The Bewitched Lamp. By Mrs. Molesworth. (W. and R. Chambers.)—The
" bewitched lamp" is an heirloom which, according to a tradition, always makes its way back, however it may have been removed, to the house to which it belongs. It has done so more than once before in the history of Moordale Court —this is its proper name—and it does so again in an ingenious fashion which does not require any supernatural aid, when sundry people for various reasons, more or less blameworthy, combine to remove it. The story is of a very slight kind, but it is well told. —From the same publishers we have also Duty and Affection ; or, the Faithful Drummer-Boy This is a tale of the Russian campaign of Napoleon. It reads as if it came from a German source, and as if it had been written not far from the time of which it treats. The description of the billeting might have been written by an eye-witness.