Principal Shairp On Matthew Arnold.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Sin—Is there not some mysterious mistake in the passage which appeared as a quotation from Principal Shairp, in the published report of Lord......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sra,—two Passages In...
Spectator of November 14th on Dr. Martineau's last great work must come home to many religions but unlearned readers, as indicating the doubts and difficulties they have......
Letters To The Editor.
MR. McKINLEY'S TRIUMPH. [To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR:1 Slit, — In reference to the subject of your article, the fol- lowing quotation from a paper by the Hon. H. Cabot......
Dr. Martineau's "seat Of Authority In Religion."
[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."1 Sin,—In your review of the third edition of Dr. Martineau's "Seat of Authority in Religion," you make some very true and natural remarks on......