21 NOVEMBER 1891, page 17

The Present French Government Is Evidently Most Anxious...

quarrel with the extreme Liberals. It is treating the Labour demands with a deference which shows that, while it cannot yield to them, it is afraid to resist them strongly. In......

We Regret To Record The Severe Illness Of Prince George

of Wales, who lies at Marlborthigh House sick of typhoid-fever. As yet the symptoms are favourable, but another week of danger has to be passed. The attack is severe, and the......

Mr. Chamberlain Delivered A Remarkable Speech To His West...

constituents on Wednesday, which the Pall Mall Gazette treats chiefly as a " retractation " of the dictum that property should pay a " ransom " to save it from confiscation.......

The South Molton Election Has Yielded A Great Triumph To

the Gladstonians. Mr. Lambert is returned by 4,222 votes against 3,010 for Mr. Buller,—majority, 1,212. The Con- stituency has wheeled Completely round, and reversed the......

News Of The Week.

frIHE Times of Wednesday published an immense letter from -I- its Paris correspondent, who, whether well informed or not, often acts as a speaking-trumpet for very imPortant......

Notice.—with This Week's " Spectator " Is Issued, Gratis, A


For The

• No. 3,308.] WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1891. [ a z i l=r•faucps,„,, ord.......

4 . 4 The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


Rumours Are Still Current Of Financial Troubles Coming On...

Continent, but they take no definite form. It is clear, however, that in Vienna, Berlin, and Paris, there is acute apprehension, the idea being that powerful Banks are over-......