Bab. By Ismay Thorn. (blackie And Son.)—gladys And Bab...
the old contrast which we find in " The Idle and the Industrious Apprentice," and in other tales without number. In this case it is a question of selfishness and unselfishness.......
Poetry.—lyrics. Selected From The Works Of A. Mary F....
(Madame James Darmesteter). (T. Fisher Unwin.)— This little volume contains some seventy old pieces, and five new ones, these latter being certainly as good as their companions.......
The Bewitched Lamp. By Mrs. Molesworth. (w. And R....
" bewitched lamp" is an heirloom which, according to a tradition, always makes its way back, however it may have been removed, to the house to which it belongs. It has done so......
Silas Verney. By Edgar Pickering. (blackie And Son.)—this...
tale of the days of King Charles II. The hero is the grand- son of an old Parliamentarian officer, and expects to be his heir,— as, indeed, he is by natural right. But a......
We Have Received New Editions Of The Following :—the...
Secret. By Harry Collingwood. (Blackie and Son.)—Jack O'Lanthorn. By C. R. Coleridge. (A. D. Innes and Co.)—The Days of Queen Mary (Religious Tract Society), a book "containing......
The Great Show Of Kobol - Land. By Frank R. Stockton....
Mcllvaine, and Co.)--This is a quaint, fanciful tale, which will certainly amuse, but not amuse in the overpowering fashion which we are accustomed to expect from Mr. Stockton.......
P's And Q's ; And Little Lucy's Wonderful Globe. By
Charlotte M. Yonge. (Macmillan.)—The first half of this volume is occupied by a story of a slight kind, though told with Miss Yonge's accus- tomed charm Paullina Quintall thinks......
Friends Of The Olden Time. By Alice Gardner. (e. Arnold.)—
Miss Gardner devotes her first chapter to " The Old Egyptians," of whose daily life, government, literature, &c., she gives a popular account. The rest of her volume gives......