Dagonet Ditties. By George B. Sims. (chatto And Windus.)—...
Sims reprints from the Referee some clever and amusing verses, Sometimes he is serious in tone; sometimes he is bent merely on fun ; for the most part, he seeks " to tell the......
The Lady Of Raven's Combe. By E. H. Dering. 2
vols. (Art and Book Company.)—The closely printed pages of Mr. Dering's new story present anything but an attractive appearance, and inspire the very infrequent wish for an......
Con F Irmation : Its History And Meaning. By Julia S. Blunt.
(S.P.C.K.) — If the phrase " text-book " could fairly be used in this connection, we should say that this is as good a text-book of the subject as is needed. After an......
The Modern Factory System.*
THE author of this book is also the author of an earlier one —Introduction to a History of the Factory System—which was published five years ago, and which received a cordial......
Current Literature.
The Poetical Works of Thomas Gray : English and Latin. " Aldine Edition." Edited by John Bradshaw, M.A., LL.D. (George B e ll and Sons.)—Gray's Poems. Edited, with Introduction......