It is said, though we hear so little of it,
that a powerful party in Prussia is still attached to Prince Bismarck, and that should anything go wrong, they would struggle for his return to office. There is a lingering distrust among the educated of the Emperor's tendency to hurry, and of his obvious belief that he can solve the social problem by conces- sions to working men. This feeling gives some importance to the reception of the Prince in Berlin on the 14th inst., when the crowds could hardly be restrained, indeed -could not be restrained, from breaking through massive barriers to welcome him. He had to warn the students not to get crushed between the train and the platform. At the Lehrter Station the police had peremptory orders to keep the .crowd back ; but they were roughly handled, and the platform was "rushed." We do not much believe in Restorations, and when King and populace think alike, see no power to resist them ; but the adherence of the middle class to Prince Bismarck is significant, and might on occasion prove most important.