The election for the counties of Ross and Cromarty has terminated as we foresaw it would, in spite of the confident anticipations of vic- tory indulged in by the Courier and other Government journals. The Tories have triumphed by a considerable majority. No returns have been received from the island of Lewis, but the result of the polling in the other districts was For Mr. Mackenzie of Applecross 307 Mr. Mackenzie of Aluirtown 196
The returns from Lewis will probably reduce this majority, but still leave it a considerable one in so small a constituency. The Whigs say that their defeat has been occasioned by the interference of the bro- ther of Sir Francis Mackenzie, who compelled his tenants to vote for the Tory, though Sir Francis had expressly desired that they would support the Liberal candidate. The real opinion and inclinations of the nominal electors, in these small Scotch counties, seems to be of the least possible consequence.
The office of Director of Chancery, formerly held by the Earl of Rosalyn, now regulated as to the dirties to be required from the Direc. tor as well as in point of emolument, has been conferred on Mr. Roger Aytoun, Writer to the Signet.