The Remains Of Lady De Lisle Were Removed From Kensington
on Monday, and taken to Penshurst. Among the carriages in the pro. cession, were three of the King's. the Queen's, the Princess Anausta's, the Dutchess of Gloucester's, and......
At a meeting of the National Association, on Tuesday?, a letter was read from Mr. O'Connell, describing the Ministry as being in peril, and Peel ready to take power ; though Mr.......
Captain Sir G. Gipps, one of the Canada Commissioners, and als. Thomas Elliot, Secretary to the Commission, arrived in town on Sun. day from Canada. Major Richardson has written......
The election for the counties of Ross and Cromarty has terminated as we foresaw it would, in spite of the confident anticipations of vic- tory indulged in by the Courier and......
Want Of Room Obliges Us To Postpone Many Things Prepared
for this neek's Spectator, nud among them, n critique On likliTHOV Ws Philharmonic Sinfonla, revived at the Concert of Monday last.......
We Regret Much To Learn That Nearly All The Cotton-mills,
and some .......„....... of the steam-loom weaving-factories in Glasgow, are at present shut- up, in consequence of a disagreement regarding prices. We beli e ": that this most......
The Intended Marriage Between The Viscomte De La...
the daughter of Sir C. Trotter is entirely set aside, and the whole ' of the English wedding party, with the intended bride, have returned to this country. Various causes are......
The Country Papers Give Gloomy Accounts Of The State Of
trade. We select a few from the mass of similar paragraphs which occupy the columns of our provincial contemporaries : The Leeds Mercury says—" The woollen trade still continues......
The packet-ship St. Andrew arrived at Liverpool from New York on Thursday, with letters and papers to the 2,1th of March. The com. mercial accounts are generally of the same......
A Report Was In Circulation Yesterday, That Two...
spondents of London papers, who strayed from the lines of St. Sebas- tian, had been taken and shot as spies by the Carlists, on the 14th instant ; but we are happy to say that......