22 APRIL 1837, Page 10

The intended marriage between the Viscomte de la Rochefoucault and

the daughter of Sir C. Trotter is entirely set aside, and the whole ' of the English wedding party, with the intended bride, have returned to this country. Various causes are assigned—some say religion, others money.

The Marquis of Londonderry has written a letter to the editor of Galignani's Messager, to contradict the report of his having had a nu- row escape from assassination at Warsaw, by a pistol fired at him at the grand review. The story, he states, is a falsehood from beginning to end.

Baron Heickeren, Lieutenant in the regiment of Chevalier Guards of the Empress of Pussia, has been sentenced by a court-martial— on account of his duel with the poet Alexander Pushkin, who died of the wound he received in that duel—to the loss of his rank, and of the patent of Russian nobility which lie had acquired, and to serve as a common soldier.

Hamburg papers of the 18th instant speak of the great falls of snow, which had drifted to the depth of ten, fifteen, and twenty feet. In some places the tops of the houses were entirely hidden from view, and acceSs to them was only to be obtained by means of shafts made through the snow with great labour, as in a mine. Many of the occu- pants of the one. story houses were obliged to come out by the chimney.

The atmosphere was remarkably clear during the eclipse of the moon on 'Thursday evening, so that the whole of the beautiful process was distinctly visible.

The extensive and beautiful Highland estate of Glenelg has just passed into the hands of a new proprietor. Lord Glenelg has disposed of it to Mr. James Evan Baillie, formerly one of the representatives for Bristol, and at present a banker and merchant in that city. Mr. Billie purchased another Highland property in Badenoch, from the late Duke of Gordon. The estate of Glenelg is said to have been sold for 77,000L—Inverness Courier.