Egrbatrd Nub Prorcctinad In Flatliatncitt.
BRITISH INTERVENTION IN SPAIN. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Lord JOHN RUSSELL hav- ing moved that " the Ordnance Estimates be referred to the Committee of Supply," Sir......
Clic Country.
A severe contest at Lewes terminated on Thursday, in the election of the Honourable Henry Fitzroy, by the narrow majority of 397 to 371 over his opponent Mr. Easthope. The......
. In The Rolls Court, On Wednesday, Lord Langdale Confirmed
the injunction granted by the Court of Common Pleas to restrain the London and Westminster Bank from issuing bills and promissory notes payable at less than six months after......
Cbt Court.
Tits King, attended by Sir Herbert Taylor, came to town on Wed- oesday, to hold his Levee. The Marquis of Bath had an audience, and delivered the ensigns of the Order of the......
The Country Papers Give Gloomy Accounts Of The State Of
trade. We select a few from the mass of similar paragraphs which occupy the columns of our provincial contemporaries : The Leeds Mercury says—" The woollen trade still continues......
Cbc Sitetropolbt.
The High Bailiff of Westminster has appointed twelve o'clock on Monday ?lest, at Covent Garden, for a public meeting to take into consideration the state of the representation......