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The High Bailiff of Westminster has appointed twelve o'clock on Monday ?lest, at Covent Garden, for a public meeting to take into consideration the state of the representation of Westminster.
A requisition, signed by several hundred electors, has been presented to Mr. Leader to become a candidate for Westminster ; and that gen- tlemen has promised to stand, if on further communication with the electors the resolution of the requisitionists should be confirmed, and his success sure.
A numerous party of the electors of Finsbury dined together at White Conduit House on Wednesday ; Mr. Ward, M. P., in the chuii. Among the principal company, were the Members for Finsbury, Messrs. buncombe and Wukley, in whose honour the entertaimnent was given ; Mr. O'Connell, Mr. Charles Buller, Mr. Hume, Dr. Lushington, Mr. Williams, Mr. Dish, Mr. D'Eyncourt, Mr. Brady, and Mr. Rundle. In consequence of the important debate in the House of Commons, the report of which filled the newspapers on Thursday, the account of the proceedings at this dinner is very im- perfect, and it would be an injustice to the gentlemen who addiessed the company to give extracts from the meagre reports of their speeches which have been published.
The half-yearly meeting of the Belgrave Literary and Scientific In- stitution was held on Monday eveniog, at which J. W. Lubhock,Esq., y.P.R. S., presided. The report of theCouncil was read; from which it appeared that the number of members had considerably increased during the lust half-year. The library consists of upwards of 2,780 volumes, and the recent acquisitions include the principal new publi- cations. The meeting was numerously attended, and the report of the
Council was unanimously adopted. .