Sir Francis Head Closed The Session Of The Assembly Of
Upper Canada on the 4th of March, in a speech full of self-congra- tulation on the success of his policy, and his triumph over the Reformers. On the previous day, the Committee......
News Of The Week.
THE Parliamentary week, up to last night, was occupied with but one subject. On Monday commenced a debate on the interven- tion of this country in the affairs of Spain, which......
Egrbatrd Nub Prorcctinad In Flatliatncitt.
BRITISH INTERVENTION IN SPAIN. In the House of Commons, on Monday, Lord JOHN RUSSELL hav- ing moved that " the Ordnance Estimates be referred to the Committee of Supply," Sir......
Louis Philip Has At Length Succeeded In Patching Up A
sort of "lath and plaster" Cabinet. The Doctrinaires are excluded, as well as SOULT and TRIERS; and none but the subservient tools of the Court are in office. The following is......
At Leghorn, Thirty-four Pupils Of An Academy Have Been Im-
prisoned on a charge of participating in a treasonable conspiracy recently discovered there. The farewell address of General JACKSON to the American people, and the inaugural......
Heavy Falls Of Snow, Which Rendered The Roads Almost Impass-
able, have put a stop to military operations in the insurgent pro- vinces of Spain. It is, however, believed at San Sebastian, that as soon as the weather will permit, General......