LOUIS PHILIP has at length succeeded in patching up a
sort of "lath and plaster" Cabinet. The Doctrinaires are excluded, as well as SOULT and TRIERS; and none but the subservient tools of the Court are in office. The following is the list of the new Administration.
Count Mor.s, President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affairs. Count DE .MONTALIVET, Minister of the Interior.
M. OD SALVANDY, Minister of Public Instruction, M. LWAVE.LAPLAGNE, Minister of the Finances.
M. BARTHF, Keeper of the Seals. General BERNA RD, Minister of War.
M. 'MARTIN nu NORD, Minister of Commerce and:Public Works. Admiral OE ROSAMEL, Minister of the Navy.
It is not believed that these commonplace persons can long maintain themselves in power ; but much depends on the course pursued by TRIERS and GUIZOT, who, though both now in Oppo- sition, will scarcely act together. The policy of the new Govern- ment is expected to be more Liberal than that of the last ; and it is mentioned as a symptom of improvement, that the Court cabal has been broken up, and M. FONFREDE, its most active member, and editor of a newspaper which advocated Absolutism, turned adrift and forced to quit Paris. The apanage for the Duke DE 'NEMOURS is withdrawn, and the Government has left it to the Chamber to determine what shall be the sum allowed to the Duke and Dutchess of ORLEANS for their establishment.
Commercial affairs in France continue in a deplorable condition. The drafts upon the savings banks of Paris exceeded the deposits in the proportion of seven to one; and the distress of the working classes was very great, and on the increase.