A Lord Before Justices.
Lord WATERFORD, Sir F. JOHNSTONE, and Mr. VILLIERS Of course kept the Magistrates waiting for some time, and in dress of low London swells — bear- then a ppeared, ki n emts and......
The Representation Of Westminster.
THE conduct of the Members for Westminster is at last to un- dergo discussion in a meeting of the Electors, regularly convened for the purpose by the High Bailiff. Hitherto,......
The Protestant Patriots Of Pudsey.
Ws have hitherto kept up a stout heart under adverse circum- stances; but we were terribly shaken when we read yesterday in the veracious columns of the Times, that in "......
"exceeding Ignorance About Matters Concerning The Colonies."
THE Globe, in the regular course of Downing Street duty, sup. ports King SEEPHEIV in his attack, by " utensil," upon the con- stitution of Lower Canada. The Globe of Monday last......