We regret much to learn that nearly all the cotton-mills,
and some
.......„....... of the steam-loom weaving-factories in Glasgow, are at present shut- up, in consequence of a disagreement regarding prices. We belie": that this most unpleasant state of matters arose from the muter spinners proposing to take off an advance which was given to the spinners about four months ago. Those mills that are notyetasrheuitike.up have given the men warning.—Glaseow Chronicle. The weavers belonging to several of the Ayrshire villages wise out working on the roads, or at such other temporary employment as can be obtained, till the state of the country changes : several of the cotton-spinning factories in Renfrewshire are working on reduced time, and the most of them are about to do so. There is likewise a prospect of some of them being stopped for a time altogether, in consequence of the spinners refusing to submit to the reductions wished by ten masters.—Glasgow Chronicle.