22 APRIL 1837, Page 11


Arrivcd--At Gravesend, April 15th, Samuel Winter, Rogers, from Singapore ; and 19th. Repulse, Pry cc, from Bengal. At De41,15th, Alex. Baring, S. Croix ; and '4118an. Neatly, tr,uol china; Patriot, Marlin, from Singapore ; Exi llllll II, Warren; Itencoolen, Crott ; Orient, White: and Fairy Queen, llookey; from Itengal ; George and Mary, Rogers ; Eliza Jane. Canny Agrippina. Rogers; and Fairy Queen, Cousens, from Ceylon; Clorinda, thimble; Augusta Jessie, Edenburough; and Courier, Dixou, from Mauritius; Niagara, Hammond. from Bombay ; ; and Margaret Ann, Beach ; from the Cape. At Bristol, 1611i, Minerva, Furlong; and 19th, Velox, Jones, from Mauritius. At Liverpool, 16th, Gipsy, newly ; William. TholThIA ; Agues, Broadfoot ; and Duke of Lancaster, Hargreaves, from Bengal; Lady Charlotte, Williams ; and John tEG:tutit, Robert slut, from China; 17111, Bom- bay 'Parket, Garnock ; Columbin, Hooten ; UGH Australia, Forrester from Bombay. At St, I Mena, Emiitude, Spalding, from Bengal. At the Cape, Lady Fevershans, Webster, from Bombay.

Sailed—From Gravesend, April 141h, Isabella Cooper. Currie, for Bengal; 16th, Duke of Sussex. Horseman, for Madras; Mermaid, Chapman, for Bombay ; 15th. Marquis Camden. Gribble; and Argyle. Saurlys, for Madras. From Liverpool, 19th, Ripley, Steward, for Bengal; and Item of Maloun, Grundy, for Bombay.