22 APRIL 1837, Page 11



The low state of commercial credit still continues to operate advantageously upon the prices of the English Funds. Consols are still much in demand, and the scarcity of Stock has led to an advance of price; some considerable purchases for Money having occurred, on behalf of the London Bankers, who during the preseet state of things prefer this mode of investment to the em- ployment of their capital in the ordinary one of discount. Exchequer Bills have risen, from the same cause. Intelligence was yesterday received from New York to the 24th March, being eight days later than the previous ar- rival. The exchange on London was higher, viz. III. Heavy failures had occurred in New York and New Orleans ; but these Translantic disasters have not occasioned the stoppage of any American houses in London. The Dutch, Russian, and other European Continental Stocks, are rather firmer, in conaequence of time improvement of Consols. Spanish Stock is higher ; but the rise in our market has not been equal to that which has oc- curred in Paris. The Spanish Treasury Bonds have been in considerable demand, and have been done at 53. There is still a belief existing in some

quarters, that sonic portion of the 400,000/. which will become due on these

Bonds on this I st May will be liquidated. It is rumoured that M. 111ENntranar, has succeeded this year (as he did last) in raising 200,0(K)/. by anticipating the revenues of the Island of Cuba ; and that. he has concluded a negotiation with some of the capitalists of ;Madrid, who have agreed to advance -him the sum required, provided he take piyment of one half of the amount in Treasury' Bonds, at par; and hence the recent improvement in these securities. The Portuguese Honda have risen ; the Five per Cents, having been at 49; they have since receded about :I per cent. It was reported that the last arrival from Lisbon had brought a remittance of60,000/. for the next Dividends ; but this statement appears to be erroneous. We believe the rise may be traced to a considerable improvement having occurred in the value of the Treasury Donuts at Lisbon, which had risen 8 WI cent. in the interval between the sail- ing of the previous packet and the departure of the one recently arrived. The South American Funds are neglected. A meeting of the holders of Chili Bonds is convened for Monday toe hut of May, to receive some commu- nication from the Envoy of the Republic on the subject of their claims : but the nature of the communication has not transpired ; and what is more extra- ordinary, time announcement of the meeting does not appear to have given rise to any speculation in the Stock.

The Railway :shares still continue depresszal. The distress in Lancashire precludes the hope of any speedy improvement.


We are without any business or material variation either in the Foreign or English Funds this morning ; and our duty must therefore be limited to the citation of prices. The Railway Shares still continue depressed: London and Dirming,hate D) 21 prem. ; Greenwich I h di's. ; Great Western 3 1 dis. ; South:n:11144)1121 20 dis.

3 per Cent. Consols itni I Danish )per Cents. 72i 73

Ditto for Account 90/ t Dutch 21 per Cents eik

3 per Cent. Reduced 591 Mexican 6 per Cent 24 New 34 per Cent Arms mills 97; 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cis 40/ Bank Stock Ditto 3 per Cent. 31I

India Stork — Ditto 5 per Centi1536 Scrip. 514

Exchequer Bills 42 4 pm. Prussian ( IS114) 5 per Cent .. —

Belgian 5 per Vents 102 Russian (152'0 5 per Cent... 1074 8 Brazilian 5 per Ceuta 84* Spanish (1835) 5 per Cent... 224 II