In the House of Commons on Thursday week Mr. Asquith
announced that the August Bank Holiday would be suspended by Proclamation. He gave a most encouraging account of the progress of the Allies in the field, but pointed out that the very nature of the success demonstrated more than ever the increasing need for munitions. Any restriction, even temporary—it must be remembered that a Bank Holiday means in practice nearly a whole week of slack work—might be fatal. Lord Robert Cecil communicated to the House the substance of the German reply to the warning of the British Government as to possible reprisals against German prisoners. Germany categorically denied that she does not recognize her obligation to feed prisoners properly, Special " collective consignments " of food had, however, been despatched to Ruhleben for those civilian prisoners who did not directly receive parcels. There was a condition, nevertheless, to this amelioration—the consignments must not contain a pre- dominance of such food as is rendered scarce by the British blockade