22 JULY 1916, page 11
A Great National Economy.
[TO THE EDIT O R OF THE SPECTITOLI SIR,—I have read with much interest the excellent and pertinent letter under the above headin g written to you by Colonel Robert Standen and......
[to The Editor Of Ths " Risctator.1 Sir,—thank God I
have seen your "leader" of July 15th. The terms of peace are to be dictated and not subjected to negotiation I The Spectator has said it, and who in England will suggest that......
The Spirit Of France. [to The Editor Of The "spectator. " ]
Sra,—Much is bein g written to-day to illustrate and brin g home to En g lishmen the true meanin g and appreciation of the fine spirit of the French nation. This Mrs. Himaphry......