More Religion By The People• Generally. [to Tes Editor Ob
THE " SPECTATOR. " ] lInt,—My friend Dr. Russell Wakefield's War Sermon in the Times of the 1st inst. put tersely and well the Bishop's case in support of the high military......
General Von Kluck's Tribute To General Gallieni.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In these days wo have to get our bulletins from Germany in a more roundabout way than her bullets, and it will doubtless interest a......
Lord Kitchener.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE EPROTATOIL, SIB,—Could you find room for these verses, which appeared in the Calgary Albertan from the pen of Robert J. C. Stead ? I believe you will......
Lord Cromer. And President Wilson.
[To THE EDITOR OP TUE "SPECTATOR."] 11111,—" On the other side of the Atlantic, we see the destinies of a great democracy at a critical moment of the world's fate being led by a......
A Great National Economy.
[TO THE EDIT O R OF THE SPECTITOLI SIR,—I have read with much interest the excellent and pertinent letter under the above headin g written to you by Colonel Robert Standen and......