The " Spectator " And Base Hospitals Abroad.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR:'] Sra, — I am very glad indeed to co-operate in placing literature of the character which the Spectator affords at the disposal of our wounded......
Lord Melbourne And The Garter. [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR."] Sue,—What Melbourne said (see Spectator, July 15th, p. 63) was I " No d—d nonsense of merit about it "—a little neater.—I am,......
" History Repeats Itself."
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR-1 Srn,—It was recently necessary to transfer over forty conscientious objectors from a military camp near one town to a civil prison in......
[To TEE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTATOR."] Sra,—Here in Bournemouth we have large numbers of men away on service, and many gardens and some allotments have been deprived of their......
Lord Kitchener.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE EPROTATOIL, SIB,—Could you find room for these verses, which appeared in the Calgary Albertan from the pen of Robert J. C. Stead ? I believe you will......
Kitchener Memorial Fund.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR"] Srn,—Since the irreparable loss of Lord Kitchener there have come from all classes of the nation and all parts of the kingdom expressions of a......
The Return Of The Bitterns.
[To THE „EDITOR OP THE SPECTATOR"] Sin,—" X." in your number for last week says " Bumpycoes " is the same ad Welsh " Bwmp-y-gore," " which means the booming of the gorse." "......
" My Status."
[To ME EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] 8111,—Your contributor 1 ' E. B.'s " article will hale delighted many husbands. For males, too, are of two kinds. Readers of the New Arabian......
[To PRE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Se.,—Would you allow me to draw your attention to an error in the interesting article in - your last number, " Faithful unto Death " ?......
The Territorials And The Advance.
[To THE EDITOR OF TER SPECTATOR " ] Sin,—May I point out that you are hardly speaking with your wonted justness when you call the present fighting in France the battles of the......
The Disabled Soldier.
[To TEX ED/TOR 07 THE " SPECTATOR] FIR,—With reference to the letter of Mrs. Macdonald in your issue of the 15th inst., I beg that you will be so kind as to draw attention, by......