[To THE EDITOR OF TER SPECTATOR"] Sin,—May I point out that you are hardly speaking with your wonted justness when you call the present fighting in France the battles of the "New Armies" ? Those Territorial divisions who went out shortly after the New Year of 1915 and held the line while the New Armies wore completing their fourteen or fifteen months of training are still in the fighting line, taking their part in the advance and paying a daily toll of brave officers and men. The Territorials themselves do not, perhaps, care much by what names these operations are referred to, but to those at home who have brothers, sons, or husbands taking their share of the hardships and the dangers it seems rather a cruel and ungrateful ignoring of the part they are so nobly playing—and have now played for so many long and weary months.—I, Sir, &o.,
' \ W. A.
[The Spectator is never likely to forget what we owe to the Terri. torials, or to the gallant remnant of the old Regular Army.—En. Spectator.]