On The Eastern Front Things Are Going Well And Steadily
on the north and south and in the centre. It would appear that the Russian infantry is advancing towards the Carpathian passes in Transylvania, while in the extreme north there......
In The House Of Commons On Thursday Week Mr. Asquith
announced that the August Bank Holiday would be suspended by Proclamation. He gave a most encouraging account of the progress of the Allies in the field, but pointed out that......
There Seems Good Reason To Believe That The Germans Are
con- templating a new outbreak of frightfulness on the sea, and that before long we shall hear of unarmed merchant ships with civilian crews and civilian passengers on board......
As For The Threatened British Reprisals, The German...
that, if the rations of German civilian prisoners were reduced, the German authorities would not only withdraw the collective consignments, but prohibit the receipt of......
Though Lord Robert Cecil's Speech Shows A Slight...
the policy which we have advocated in the Spectator in regard to interned prisoners, we cannot say that it in any way satisfies us. We are glad to note, however, in the......
To Our Readers.—one Of The Chief Ways In Which Our
readers can help us to meet the Paper Famine is by informing the Newsagents, Booksellers, or Railway Bookstalls from which they are accustomed to purchase their paper that they......
* ** The Editor Cannot Undertake To Return _manuscript In
any case.......
News Of The Week.
W E have dealt at length elsewhere with the battle of the Somme, and will only say here that the latest official news to reach us is satisfactory. On Tuesday night the enemy,......
From Verdun There Is Not Much To Report. Fighting Has
been going on during the whole week, often of a desperate character, but the Germans have gained little or nothing of importance. We might almost apply the same words to the......
In This Context We May Note An Interesting Passage From
a Munich paper, the Neueste Nachrichten, given in Thursday's Morning Post :- " There have been articles in various Berlin newspapers during the last few days dealing with the......
Mr. Beach Thomas In His Communication To The Daily Mail
of Thursday gives an interesting little picture of the way in which a picked detachment of the Prussian Guard which had held out most gallantly were overcome by, and forced to......