There seems good reason to believe that the Germans are
con- templating a new outbreak of frightfulness on the sea, and that before long we shall hear of unarmed merchant ships with civilian crews and civilian passengers on board being sunk in " the fearless old fashion." The Germans, it is alleged, feel that they have got all that they can get out of exhibiting special consideration to American feeling, and are now going to show the President what they really think about his Notes. That is a possible view, but we think it more likely that if a change takes place it will be due to the fact that the Germans have got a new crop of submarines, and are prepared to make use of them. The British Navy finished reaping the last crop some two months ago. But the Germans, with a courage and persistence to which we are bound to pay re- spect, even though shown in so evil a cause, have not been daunted by their failure, and are determined to continue sending out these strange and sinister knights-errant of the sea, not to protect but to prey upon the weak and the defenceless, upon women, children, and peaceful traders.