In this context we may note an interesting passage from
a Munich paper, the Neueste Nachrichten, given in Thursday's Morning Post :-
" There have been articles in various Berlin newspapers during the last few days dealing with the concluding sentence of our last Note to America. In this sentence it will be remembered we reserved for ourselves a free hand for the future regarding a submarine mer- cantile war in case. America did not succeed in inducing England and her Allies to alter their procedure, which is an infringement of all international law in the matter of the trade of neutrals with Germany. The articles above referred to are practically identical, and the conclusion seems to be drawn from this fact that the moment is very near when we shall use our free hand. This view is incorrect. We have retained a free hand, but the time to use it has certainly not yet arrived."
The last sentence should no doubt be regarded as a kind of cere- monial salute to the Censor.