[To PRE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] Se.,—Would you allow me to draw your attention to an error in the interesting article in- your last number, " Faithful unto Death " ? Referring to Casablanca's heroin boy, the writer adds " True, he was a Spaniard," &c. Surely he was a Corsican, of a family well known in the island, one prominently connected with the Paoli movement. The naval officer would appear to have been a friend of Bonaparte's, as in a private letter to Admiral Brueys, in the spring of 1798, Bonaparte mentions that he was going to send him Casablanca. Subsequently, in another private letter to the Admiral, he writes : " Casablanca is to be your Flag Captain " : and four days before the battle of Aboukir Bay, writing from Cairo, again to Admiral Brueys, ho sends "mille choses" to Casablanca. A medical officer of the same name accompanied Bonaparte to Egypt on the staff of Baron Laney, his Surgeon-in-Chief.