More Minor Horrors. By A. E. Shipley, So.D. (Smith, Elder,
and Co. Is. 6d. net.)—The Master of Christ's now " horrors " are not necessarily horrors of war, as in his former book, but many of them turn up in the trenches. They are cockroaches, the hot-fly, mosquitoes, weevils, the fig-moth, the stable-fly, rats, and mice. Dr. Shipley's humour is plentiful, though sometimes running rather thin. It will pass for the jam that makes the powder palatable. The powder is, of course, some very useful information about the pests and how to fight them. The chapters are besprinkled with quotations and odd pieces of know- ledge ; for instance, that the designer of a famous form of bolt was Sir Samuel Browne, a V.C. winner of the Mutiny ; and that the hot-fly is common at Athenry at times of the year when it is not found elsewhere. Did not Mr. Birrell admit that he knew there was something odd about that place ?