The organ of M. Venizelos, the Kiryx, in an article
summarized in the Times of Tuesday, explained the Venizelist policy nhich is to be submitted to the Greek electors. The chief point is whether the Crown can impose rulers upon the people or whether the Crown must be advised by statesmen politically acceptable to the people. It is pointed out that in the two last wars the benefits which accrued to Greece were due to the protecting Powers. Throughout M. Veni- zelos is on safe ground. The Treaty under which Greece is pro- tected by Britain, France, and Russia stipulates a Constitutional Government. M. Venizelos asks for no more. Moreover, Greece has always owed everything to the friendliness of her protectors. King George understood this perfectly, and gained one advantage after another for his country by his appeals to the protecting Powers. These Powers rule the Mediterranean. Therefore they are bad people to quarrel with ; but they have been, and wish to be in the future, the real friends of Greece. We believe that this will be perceived clearly by all parties in Greece, including the small oligarchy which enjoyed office too long, as the illusion of German invincibility is gradually dispelled.