Mr. Charles Tower, the correspondent of the Daily Mail at
Amster- dam, states in Tuesday's paper that the Weser Zeitung, " the great Bremen paper," in appealing for whole-hearted support of the Chancellor, summarizes the position in the following somewhat doleful terms:-
" The hour has come when we must clench our teeth and summon all our power and determination, for the situation is grave. Our offensive before Verdun has got its teeth in so tight that it is abso- lutely unable to let go ; our Austrian allies' fine offensive in the Sette Comuni has long been condemned to a standstill ; and the plucky advance of the Turks in Persia is gnawing only at a subsidiary field of operations. And now the English and French are hard upon us on the Somme, the Russians are upon us from Riga to Rumania, and the Anglo-Boers in East Africa. Valona is tying up the Austrians and Hungarians, Salonica the Bulgarians, Armenia and the Suez Canal the Turks. Nor are they making any progress worth men- tioning. And anxious sighs rise to Heaven owing simply to the inexhaustible rain which seems to be literally in alliance with the enemy blockading us. In every quarter and corner are difficulties and obstacles, raising again and again the anxious cry, How shall these things end ''' The article, of course, ends by saying that all will yet go well and that the future belongs to the Germans. The way, however, to get out of the tempest and into calm water is to note " how cool and unalarmed is the General Staff " I