22 MARCH 1890, Page 1

In the same Gazette, it is announced that " General

von Caprivi di Caprera dei Montecuculi " has been appointed Chancellor of the German Empire, and President of the Cabinet of Prussia, two offices which together give him, under the Emperor-King, control in all affairs except the internal relations of the German States, which are managed through the "Prussian Minister of Foreign Affairs," a post still held by Count Herbert Bismarck. The General, who is fifty-eight, is a descendant of the Modenese family of Montecuculi, and of the Austrian Field-Marshal who in 1673 baffled Turenne. He commands the Hanoverian Army Corps, has been in supreme command of the German Navy, and is distinguished for his skill in reorganisation. He is a Free Conservative in politics, and though of the Bismarok type, physically and mentally, is remarkable for tact in the management of men. He has the complete confidence of the Emperor, whose personal choice he is, and will, it is believed, be his Majesty's faithful agent in all affairs. All Ambassadors have been ordered to Berlin to make the acquaintance, and receive the instructions, of the new Chancellor.