22 MARCH 1890, page 22

Under Salisbury Spire. By Emma Marshall. (seeley And Co.)...

is one of the happiest of Mrs. Marshall's efforts. The story of domestic life, disturbed by the Commonwealth troubles, is told with much tenderness and grace. And the beautiful......

A German Nile Joitrne Y.*

IF we contrast this handsome volume with the less pretentious books of travel which delighted the last generation, it may be taken as not a bad representation of the difference......

Current Literature.

In the Universal Review for this month, there is no lack of subjects provocative of discussion. The outlines of a repulsive tale by Tolstoy, "The Kreutzer Sonata," are given by......

Chita : A Memory Of Lart Island. By Lefcadio Hearn.

(Harper Brothers, New York.)—Beyond the sea-marshes at the mouth of the Mississippi lies a "curious archipelago," once the resort of pirates, freebooters, and sea-robbers, now......