22 MARCH 1890, page 3

Examination This Week. We Note, However, That The Commis-...

has, as usual, decided that the office of Commander-in- Chief has gradually been made too important, and that if the Secretary for War is to be really responsible for the Army,......

The Government On Tuesday Agreed That The Betterment...

28) in the Bill for the improvement of the Strand should be referred to a Select Committee of nine, five to be appointed by the House and four by the Committee of Selection. Mr.......

We Omitted Last Week To Record The Return On This

day fortnight of the Conservative candidate for the Stamford division of Lincolnshire by a very much reduced majority. The contest was a sharp one, and the Gladstonian can-......

The Lord Mayor Presided Last Monday At A Meeting Held

at the Mansion House to raise subscriptions and donations for the Metropolitan Association for Befriending Young Servants, one of the most purely useful of all the charitable......

Yesterday Week, The Gladstonian Candidate, Mr. G....

returned for Stoke-upon-Trent, in the place of Mr. W. L. Bright, who had resigned, by a majority which was hardly increased at all as compared with 1886, though the poll was......

Dr. W. Ogle Read A Paper Before The Statistical Society

on Tuesday on "Marriage Rates and Ages," which contained some interesting facts. He denied that the rate of marriage increased with declines in the price of food, the exact......

The Portuguese Are Still Sensitive On The Subject Of English

action in East Africa, and on Thursday intelligence reached Lisbon which, if true, will increase the excitement there to fever-heat. According to Reuter's telegram from that......

In His Evidence Before The Select Committee Of The House

of Lords on Rabies and Hydrophobia, Mr. Victor Horsley stated that the deaths from hydrophobia in Scandinavia reached in one year the total of 181, that that was much higher......

Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.

New Consols (21) were on Friday 97 to 971.......