22 MARCH 1890, page 1

Mr. John Morley Made An Elaborate Party Speech At Stepney

on Wednesday, to prove that the Tories are insincere, the Liberal Unionists guilty of something like treason to the democracy, and the Gladstonians alone immaculate and......

We Have Just Escaped A Grave Economic Crisis. The Federated

coal-miners, under circumstances discussed else- where, had demanded a rise of 5 per cent. on their wages at once, and 5 per cent. more on July 1st. About a third of the......

*** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


In The Same Gazette, It Is Announced That " General

von Caprivi di Caprera dei Montecuculi " has been appointed Chancellor of the German Empire, and President of the Cabinet of Prussia, two offices which together give him, under......

The Resignation Has Created Less Disturbance In Opinion...

expected, partly because it has been understood for some time that the Emperor intended to rule himself, partly because people have not yet comprehended the full significance of......

Sir George Trevelyan Made An Interesting Speech On Friday...

in moving a resolution that it would be well for the House of Commons to rise early in July, and make up for the time thus lost in the summer by making more use of the winter......

News Of The Week.

T HE week has been marked by a great historic event, the definitive resignation of Prince Bismarck. For reasons which we have discussed elsewhere, and which may be summed up in......

Notice To Advertisers.

With the " SPECTATOR" of Saturday, April 19th, will be issued, ; gratis, a SPECIAL LITERARY SUPPLEMENT, the outside pages of which will be devoted to Advertisements. To secure......