22 MARCH 1890, Page 1


THE week has been marked by a great historic event, the definitive resignation of Prince Bismarck. For reasons which we have discussed elsewhere, and which may be summed up in this, that two big men cannot sit on one saddle, the Chancellor has for some time been ready to resign; on Tuesday his resignation of all his offices was formally handed in, and on Thursday it was published to the world. The Emperor accepts the resignation in words of the warmest gratitude, " regarding it as the most providential dispensation of his life, that on assuming the government [not " mounting the throne," observe], he had had the Prince by his side." His Majesty care- fully registers his own determination to adhere to " Prince Bismarck's wise and energetic policy of peace," and while " sensible that his services cannot be rewarded," creates him Duke of Lauenburg, and Field-Marshal in the Army. It should be observed that the Dukedom of Lauenburg has since 1866 been one of the Royal titles, and that a " Herzog " in Germany ranks above a " Fiirst."