22 MARCH 1890, page 2

A Meeting Of The Conservative Party Was Held At The

Carlton Club on Thursday, and was addressed by Lord Salisbury on the necessity for earnestness, union, and loyalty, if the great battle is to be won. Lord Salisbury specified......

Mr. John Morley Made An Elaborate Party Speech At Stepney

on Wednesday, to prove that the Tories are insincere, the Liberal Unionists guilty of something like treason to the democracy, and the Gladstonians alone immaculate and......

On The Subject Of The Special Commission, Mr. Morley Was,

of course, very bitter, and not very candid. He was as angry as he could be with the Primrose Dames for distributing leaflets enumerating the charges of which the Parnellites......

The International Labour Conference Met At Berlin On...

has been at work ever since. Nothing is known of its proceedings except that M. Delahaye, a French representative of Socialism, resigned because he was not allowed to propound......

M. Tirard's Ministry, The Fifteenth In Eleven Years,...

Friday week, ostensibly because the Senate insisted on a prohibitory duty against Turkish raisins, really because all strength had gone out of it with M. Constans' resignation.......

Colonel Sauaderson Made A Clever Speech At Lynn On...

in which he expressed his indifference to Mr. Parnell's being what is called "the uncrowned" king of Ireland, so long as he shall never be crowned. Dilating on the tranquillity......

The Mahommedans Of India Are Protesting, As Might Have Been

expected, against the introduction of the principle of election into India. They are ready to obey the race which defeated them, but not races whom they regard as properly their......

In His Evidence Before The Select Committee Of The House

of Lords on Rabies and Hydrophobia, Mr. Victor Horsley stated that the deaths from hydrophobia in Scandinavia reached in one year the total of 181, that that was much higher......