22 MARCH 1890, Page 2

Colonel Sauaderson made a clever speech at Lynn on Wednesday,

in which he expressed his indifference to Mr. Parnell's being what is called "the uncrowned" king of Ireland, so long as he shall never be crowned. Dilating on the tranquillity which Mr. Balfour's policy has given to Ireland, he frankly admitted that Irishmen are shut up for making speeches which might be delivered at Lynn with perfect impunity. But he said he had observed in the papers of that morning, that two Welsh miners had been fined 40s. apiece for smoking pipes in a WW1, Did his hearers

think that unfair? There would have been no harm in smoking the pipes above-ground ; but as it was, they seriously endangered life. Just so with speeches advocating the "Plan of Campaign" or boycotting. Such speeches made at Lynn would be as safe as pipes smoked in the open air ; but made in disturbed Irish districts, they were as dangerous as pipes smoked in the close neighbourhood of inflammable gases.