22 MARCH 1890, Page 3

Yesterday week, the Gladstonian candidate, Mr. G. Granville Leveson-Gower, was

returned for Stoke-upon-Trent, in the place of Mr. W. L. Bright, who had resigned, by a majority which was hardly increased at all as compared with 1886, though the poll was very much heavier than it was then. The majority was, indeed, very greatly reduced as compared with 1885, when the united Liberal Party supported Mr. Leatham Bright. Mr. George Leveson-Gower polled 4,157 votes, against 2,926 given to the Liberal Unionist, Mr. Allen,—majority, 1,231. In 1886, Mr. Leatham Bright polled 3,255 votes, against 2,093 given to Mr. Corser, the Conservative,—majority, 1,162. Hence, while the total poll increased from 5,348 to 7,083, the Gladstonian majority increased only by 69 votes. It can hardly be said with any confidence, then, that the Gladstonians are gaining ground at Stoke-upon-Trent, though Stoke-upon-Trent is one of their strongholds.