[T& ma Bar/"013 or TEE ..sesoneres.1 Srn,—Those who a few weeks ago read your plea for the pre- servation of the gleries of Wimbledon Common swill hardly need a supplenientary invitation to attend at the Mansion House at four o'clock on Tuesday nest, April 26th. We are anxious that the kindness of the L6rd Mayor, who is to preside, should have its best recognition in a meeting worthy of the occasion. The immediate Object is to enlist for the scheme the support of the wealth, private and corporate, of London. May I draw attention to the exceptional force of our claim ? North-Eastern and North-Western London have been endowed (to'a very large extent) by external munificence with the noble tracts of Epping Forest and Hampstead Heath. Within little more than a quarter of a century considerably more than half-a-million has been devoted, Wisely and well, froth public fends" to the provigion or extension of these Northern stretches of open country. Compare this with the conditions on which the commons of Wimbledon, Putney, and Roehampton (they form a continuous whole)" exist for the service of South London. They were saved and they are maintained at the exclusive charge of those who live near" the "great playground of the people." Even now we have started the fund with a sum of over £4,000 contributed by.private residents. Surely we inay turn with confidence to London as a whole to aid us—fot the first time—in saving from irreparable injury the heritage which the Metropolis owes to the foresight and self-sacrifice of s past generation of Wimbledon and Putney folk.—I am,.
Sir, &C., Ricuinneorr Evans; Hon. Secretary, Wimbledon and Putney Commons Extension Fund.
The Keir, Wimbledon Common.