Mr. .healy In An Extremely Amusing Speech Denied That There
was any bargain between Mr. Redmond and Mr. Asquith. " The Prime Minister sized up the hon. Member for Waterford at his proper worth and measured him as a man without an ounce......
On Tuesday The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Made A Full
statement on the financial situation, the upshot of which was that though the finances of the country had been thrown into confusion for four months, though there bad been......
In Customs And Excise There Is An Apparent Deficiency Of
£5,500,000, which Mr. Lloyd George said is due to the failure to collect the additional License-duties for liquor and motor- cars. The drop in the receipts from Spirit-duties......
In An Interview Reported In The Sydney Daag Telegraph, And
summarised in the Times of last Saturday, Mr. Fisher declared that his intention was to "improve social conditions " as far as possible while preserving the existing relation of......
. , A Telegram From The Shanghai Correspondent Of The
Times published on Thursday announces that Sir Robert Bredon has resigned his membership of the Shni-wu-chu (the office of Controllers-General of the Chinese Imperial Maritime......
The Final Returns In The Australian General Election Give...
Labour Party, led by Mr. Fisher, a majority of thirteen in the House of Representatives, and of ten in the Senate. The majority in the House will be raised to fifteen if the two......
The Shui-wu-chu Was Created In 1906, Without, As The Times
says, consultation with the foreign Powers or with Sir Robert Hart. The Controllers were to have direct authority over the whole Service, and Sir Robert Hart saw at once that......
In The House Of Commons On Monday Night Mr. O'brien
gave a detailed description of his negotiations with Mr. Lloyd George. He declared that at one of the interviews "he had read the letter to him precisely as be had read it at......
Lord Kitchener Was Entertained By The Pilgrims In New York
on Monday, and in reply to the toast of his health, proposed by Mr. Choate, made a brief and sensible speech. Having recently returned from Australia, he was able to bear......