23 APRIL 1910, page 26

Three -books About London.*

THE sixth volume of Sir Walter Besant's " Survey of London " cannot 'be compared for literary value with its predecessors. It has more of the character of a catalogue and a......

A Picture Of Afghan Life.*

SOLDIERS and diplomatists have told us a little about men and things in Afghanistan, and Dr. Lillias Hamilton related some of her experiences at the Court of the Amir Abdur......

Famous Blue-stockings:f

IT is something of a shock to be told that the typical "blue- stocking " was a man; one Benjamin Stillingfleet; grandson to the Bishop, who was accustomed to wear the blue......

The Elizabethan Stage.*

THE dramatist who writes his plays with a view to their performance upon the stage finds his efforts limited in two directions. On the one hand 1.e is confronted by the......