A Baldassare Castiglione Of The Present Day.
ITo THE EDITOR Or THE "SPECTATOR. "] SIR,-It has been a disappointment to many that more notice should not have been taken by the English Press of a person so well known in this......
Cambridge Rowing.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE SPECTA1011.1 SIR, — On my return to town my attention has been drawn by an old Cambridge friend of mine to the comments on the University Boat-RaCe......
Wimbledon Common.
[T& ma Bar/"013 or TEE .. sesoneres.1 Srn, — Those who a few weeks ago read your plea for the pre- servation of the gleries of Wimbledon Common s will hardly need a......
Memory And The Individual.
[To ram Enrroz or TEE " Srrcrirog."] Sin,—The writer of your interesting and suggestive article in last week ' s Spectator on " Memory and the Individual " quotes Wordsworth ' s......