Famous Blue-stockings:f
IT is something of a shock to be told that the typical "blue- stocking " was a man; one Benjamin Stillingfleet; grandson to the Bishop, who was accustomed to wear the blue......
According To Maria. By Mrs. John Lane. (john Lane. '
This volume is less a novel than a study of coithinporary manners viewed from a satirical standpoint. The "Maria" of' the title is one of the most intolerable df the race of......
CANADIAN BORN.* MRS. HIIMPHRY WARD'S visit to Canada two years ago has borne literary fruit of a very good and wholesome quality. The" motive" is to be found in the spirited......
Service. By Constance Smedley. (chatto And Windus....
knows the story of the lady who wrote to her friend about the paragon she had been asked to engage as a tutor:—" I have not yet found a tutor with the qualifications you......