The Egyptian Council of Ministers issued, last Sunday a communiqué
on the outbreaks in the Sudan -which we recorded 'last week. The Council demanded .that the Governor-General of the Sudan should publish a full report of. the outbreaks, their ,causes, and the measures taken to suppress them, and that he should' keep the Egyptian Government informed of the result. of those measures. They also decided to send a formal- protest to the British Government against the pro- ceedings in the Sudan, and to insist upon -the appoint- ment of an Egyptian-Sudanese Commission to examine the situation. For the rest, the communique gave the wholly false impression that at Atbara the mutineers were fired upon by British troops. All the evidence, of course, showed :that the firing was done by the Sudanese Mounted -Rifles apparently without orders. - Naturally ,such a Communique inflamed.Egyptian feeling, as it was no doubt intended to do.