Mrs.. Boole.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR1 SIR,—I have undertaken to help in the collection of material for a biography of Mary Everest. Boole, the writer upon psychology and education,......
St. Monica Home Of Rest, Westbury- On-trym, Bristol.
[To the Editor of she SPECTATOR.] . 511t,—I am anxious to bring to the notice of any persons who may be described. as gentlefolk in poor circumstances the benefits which are......
The Proposed Alternative Communion Service.
[To the Editor of the SeEcrAron.] Siu,—A Memorial, of which a proof copy is enclosed, has been signed by 303,421 adult communicants, of whom 2,627 are clergy. Its value can best......
• Primrose League Meetings.
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sm,—Your reviewer of Col. Wedgwood's book; Essays and Adventures of -a Labour M.P., in his reference , to the Primrose League scarcely does......
" Grow Your Own Food." [to The Editor Of The
SPECTATOR.] SIR,—I see the Spectator late, so can only now express my regret to the present Rector of. Waltham for my inadvertent misstatement. Since, it appears, the glebe is......
AN UNPUBLISHED POEM BY JOHN CLARE. RELEASE. Tim sheds are cleaned and littered down before The drapsipg cow comes from the weary moor ; Upon the hovel-beams the fowl perch high......
A Home For Women Workers.
. , [To the Editor of the SpE,crAToa.] Sia,—Miss 1VIontresor's reference to the Y.W.C.A. Forward Movement, in her letter in the Spectator of August 9th, is most kind. When the......