23 AUGUST 1924, page 12

Letters To The Editor.

THE CONSERVATIVE PARTY AND THE WORKING MAN. [To 17w Editor of the SPECTATOR.] was very much interested in the letter of A Would-be Conservative Candidate " in the Spectator of......

" The Real' Bar To Indian Self-- Government..

[To the Editor of the Siterkron.] Sm,—May I say a word about Lord Winterton's article in a recent issue on" The Real Bar to Indian Self-Government" ? I dOuht if the position he......

[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sia,—in _the Little _that

is being written in the London Press about the situation in India there is so much camouflage and ignoring of the hard facts, on both sides, that I venture to. hope you will......

The Conservative Party And Financial Policy.

- - . [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—It was Very , interesting to see the letter on the above subject from Mr. W. Allen Young in your issue of August 9th. I take it that......